Assaalamu Alaikum, da fata kuma lfy, Allah ya saka muku da alkhairi a kan taimakon mu da kukeyi. dan Allah ina rokon ku da ku taimaka ku samana sauran karatun tafsirin Malam Aminu Ibrahim Daurawa dan muna maturka bukata. bissalam
Yakuyan uwana amusulunci inanemanku tayamu da.addu.a allahu ya shigemana gaba akan al.amurorin mu na alkhairi ameen allah yataimakamana akan abinda mukasa agaba na alkhairi ameen allah kacika mana burin muna alkhairi inhar shine mafi alkhari arayuwanmu na duniya dalahira ameen
Muna yiwa Malam da dalibansa fatan sa’a da nasara akan makiya addinin musulunci, Allah tsare musulunci da musulmai. Daga Hussaini idirisa (Danbaiwa) daga garin Biu ajahar Borno state.
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullah. Dun Allah ku turo mani lambar wayan ku ko kuyi mani flashing a tawa lambar ni inkiraku, bata nan: 08051039611, 08035695983.
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How are you doing? I aim to provide you a high quality, free of cost guest post article for your amazing website.
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