Danna nan domin shiga karatu Online

The term independence simply
refers to freedom from control or
governed by foreign force. With this
definition, Nigeria as a nation
gained its independence from
Britain in 1 October 1960 which
means that today marks the 52nd
anniversary of the country’s
independence and it became
sovereign state with full liberation,
authority and power at their
disposal. Contrary to the literal
meaning of independence in
Nigeria, so many questions have
been lingering in my mind, whether
the pre-independence era is better
for Nigeria and Nigerians or post-
independence era?
Since 52 years of Nigeria’s semi-
independen ce to date, it moves
two steps backward instead of an
inch forward. We all know that the
essence of any democratic system
is to guarantee and facilitate socio-
economic development and protect
the rights of its people. These
fundamental rights include
education, health care, fairness,
equity, and social justice.
“He who cannot change the very
fabric of his thoughts, will never be
able to change reality”Anwar
Saadat. With absence of
infrastructure and all dividend
enjoyable by rustic individual in
some countries similar to my
nation, I ponder and wonder why
the Nigeria government celebrate
this occasion, is today worthy
celebrating? In my candid view,
‘NO’ with capital letters would be
the answer.
When Nigeria’s independence
rang 25 years, they celebrated
silver jubilee, and by the time it
rang 50 years, golden jubilee was
the title of celebration, millions and
thousands of Naira were lavishly
spent to commemorate the day,
while masses are dying for
starvation, sickness, illiteracy, lack
of portable water supply, No or little
megawatts of generated electricity,
unemployment rate in increase,
and above all insecurity of lives
and properties.
I can testify without any hesitation
that Nigeria had lived a sustainable
life in peace and harmony under
colonial period and exactly
opposite is in place at this so-
called independent era. The first
Republic, Biafran civil war engulfed
the nation between south and north
claimed millions of lives, similarly,
inrecent time Oduduwa people’s
congress OPC, in Yoruba land,
Bakkasi boys in Igbo land, Boko
Haram in northern zone, and
militants inNiger Delta sub-region
caused unrest and thousands of
lives lost, property destroyed and
Nigerian image tarnished in the
presenceof the world.
Nigeria at 52 is still in limbo with
weak and unwise leadership, no
dividend of democracy,hardship in
rise and security in deterioration.
The line-up in our country is
therefore clear, ordinary people
who have nothing or little for bright
future, on the other hand ruling
class of elites who have everything
at their disposal. When will my
father land progress?
Furthermore, Nigeria planed to
extravagantly spend public funds in
2014 in remembrance of 100 years
north-south amalgamation as
united entity, every year
celebration and yet nothing good to
pinpoint as a development.
Lastly, as a patriotic Nigerian,
YANKE KA YAR!!! I’m compelled to
say HAPPY 52 anniversary to
Nigeria and I pray this year will
mark the beginning of change and
the coming years be better than the
past. Amin.
Brainstormed by:
Anas Yunus Muhammad
Finalist, Al-Azhar University, Cairo-
1 October 2012.


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