lesson 07 Topic: The Ideal Muslimah(Dr. Mansur Sokoto)

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She does not shake hands with a
non-mahram man
It is natural that a Muslim woman
who does not mix with men would
not wish to shake hands with
anyone who is not her mahram, in
accordance with the teaching and
example of the Prophet (PBUH).
Bukhari reports that `A’ishah (May
Allah be pleased with her) said:
“When the believing women made
hijrah to the Prophet (PBUH), he
would examine and test them, in
accordance with the ayah: ( `O you
who believe! When there come to
you believing women refugees,
examine [and test] them’. . .)
(Qur’an 60:10)
Whoever accepted these
conditions required of the believing
women has thereby accepted their
bay`ah. When the Messenger of
Allah (PBUH) accepted their
words, he told them (the women),
`You may go now, for I have
accepted your bay`ah.’ By Allah
(SWT), the Prophet’s hand never
touched the hand of a woman; he
accepted their bay`ah by words
only. By Allah (SWT), he never put
any conditions on women other
than those that Allah (SWT)
commanded him, and when he had
confirmed the bay`ah he would say
`I have accepted your bay`ah by
your words.’


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