Advice for brothers who wear shirts, ties and suits when they have the ability to wear thobes(By Salaf-us-salih)

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Q.​The individual is asking what
is your advice for brothers who
wear shirts, ties and suits when
they have the ability to wear
A.​ The shaykh mentioned if that
person is in a society where this
is the norm in the society the
wearing of ties, suits, shirts etc
then it is permissible for that
person to do so. But if the
individual wants to pray then he
should beautify himself with his
clothing as Allaah tabaarakta wa
ta’alaa mentions in the Qur’aan:
‘O children of Aadam, beautify
yourselves at the time of prayer’.
So when an individual prays he
should wear the best of clothing.
But if the individual for example
would like to wear these suits,
shirts, ties and pants because it is
easier for him to perform his
duties then it is permissible for
him to do so. But if he begins to
feel that he is imitating the
disbelievers and this intention
becomes apparent, that the
individual starts to imitate the
disbelievers then it is not
permissible for him to wear this
type of clothing.
Q.​Yaa shaykh if the individual
has the ability to wear a thobe?
A.​The shaykh mentioned
(hafithahullAllaahu ta’alaa) that
the person if he has the ability to
wear a thobe then that is
befitting. But likewise the
individual should try not to be
Shaykh Saalih Muhammad al-
Luhaydaan (May Allaah preserve
(Kitaab-ut-Tawheed Class, Q&A
Session 02.02.13 Riyadh)


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