Why Christians CallEd Jesus Christ Son Of God(Hussaini Yusuf Mabera From His Book is jesus christ a son of god?)

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There are untenable reasons
adduced by the christians for
calling jesus the son of God.
These reasons can be classified
into four as follows;
The immaculate and miraculous
conception of jesus christ through
the virgin mary.
The evidences from the bible in
support of his divine son ship.
The description of jesus as the
word and spirit of God
The supernatural miracles
performed by jesus christ.
Let us now analyse the above
arguments in the light of the
scriptures in order to see their
untenability and irrationality.


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15 responses to “Why Christians CallEd Jesus Christ Son Of God(Hussaini Yusuf Mabera From His Book is jesus christ a son of god?)”
  1. Oyelese Avatar

    All is well
    Jesus is alive

  2. Musa isiya Avatar

    Nice debate

  3. Bamanga Avatar

    the truth is light…

  4. moses ambii Avatar
    moses ambii

    It is not expedient to argue over a matter with one who will obviously not comprehend the content of the massage as a result of reprobate mind. They will rather blaspheme and be proud of their speeches as great knowladge. Woe unto those who yield themselves for the devil to use.
    For our information, Jehovah (God) when he created Adam, Adam need not sacrifice to please God untill when he fall. All he needed was to eat and fellowship with God in faith by being fruitful and multiply. What was the fellowship? Was it Ablution and salat? Was it carring bible to church and sing Haleluyah? Non of the above! Adam has to die to gain acces back to the garden, not longer in flesh, but in spirit. And all his descendant must do so depending on how the lived their lives in the flesh. People lived horribly and God in his judgement wiped themm in Noah’s day. He choosed Abram; and promised him a son with sarah. Isaac was born, yakub, 12 partriach, JudAh (yahuza), David, and eventually Jesus. Jesus didn’t taught religion nor did he said he is a religious leader. He practice the law of moses. He magnified the law; for instance; moses wrote: “thou shall not commit Adultery” Jesus magnified it by saying “Do not look at a woman lustful”. Jesus restore the fellowship that Adam has with God from begining. No posture in prayer, No direction bcos God is everywhere. No sacrifice (Laiya or hadaya) bcos Jesus was made our Laiya.
    Now the dispute “Jesus is NOT the son of God” he is not dead on the cross, no Holyspirit, Muhammad is the comforter etc are baseless and are argued with wrong motives: all are done to cause confusion instead of insinuately suppose it to be for understanding.
    Soon the lord will come in his judgement seat. And it shall be “famal yamal miskalla zaaratiin sharin yaraa, wamal yama miskala zaratin sharin yara”. And the mysteries of God will be no more. Rev10:7

    1. Abdulmajid Ahmad Avatar
      Abdulmajid Ahmad

      fear God and believe in prophet Muhammad (p.b.h) because the Bible even proof the words, Muhammad,Comforter,A ruler.
      Jesuse early said it through the Bible, ‘I will not longer talk much with you because the ruler of this world is coming’

  5. salamu alaiku waramatullahi wabarkatu malam menene hukuncin musulmin da yana son yakan christan yaji a wayar sa koma wata rana yana kuwa ma kun ibadan su. inhar anfada masa cewa bakyu sai yace ziyara yayi don Allah malam ya masayi sa a musulluci

  6. ibrahem ado Avatar

    may Allah guide us

  7. Hisbullah Auwal Avatar

    Assalamu Alaikum warrahamatullah.

  8. Yusuf Saleh Avatar
    Yusuf Saleh

    moses ambi, said Jesus is alive. How I wish other followers knew this.

  9. Aminu muhammad Avatar

    I want to download the audio of Yusuf Hussaini mabera.the audio he say Jesus is not the son of god

  10. Abdurrazaq S. Aliyu Avatar
    Abdurrazaq S. Aliyu

    I find it funny when a Christian talk over the sonship of Jesus Christ(puh). I wonder if they don’t read the bible at all! This is because, the Bible make us to understand that whoever keeps the word of God is a son of God, whoever make peace is a son of God, Angels were also called the sons of God. Infact the Bible called all the prophets as the sons of God. Remember when Jesus(puh) said to his disciples “I am ascending to my father and your father, my God and your God. Just repent and cease from worshiping the devil. For you are those who God talk about through the mouth of prophet Ishaia “these people honor me in their mouth but their heart is faraway from me…. “

  11. Oyewunmi Azeez Adekunle Avatar
    Oyewunmi Azeez Adekunle

    @moses ambil don’t u know dat wat gave to moses was religion which is d commandment dat Jesus lat3r came to fulfilled and He had promised moses in Deuteronomy DAT He will send dea own commandment to someone who b like moses among His brethren DAT wat He command Him to say He will say it in dea own language,nd Jesus said He will speak of His own authorities,and wahinaka laala qulu li azim,our Muhammad speaks from divine inspiration nd revelation from Almighty God. read ur bible john belovet said he look unto heaven nd saw another Angel aven d everlasting Gospel to preach to d whole world wit thongs tribe nation saying repent bcus d hour of d judgement is at hand.questioned wea is due everlasting gospel,who bring it and which books many tribes will b reading with d same tongs?pls don’t confused ur self everi fin in bible came to clarified Islam..Mi father is a pastor and I know about Islam through Bible reading..

  12. saddam zayyan Avatar

    hikkumumattadeen zahidudi

  13. Al-alawee Adamu Katanga Avatar
    Al-alawee Adamu Katanga

    Christians are foolishly arguing the right words while they know the TRUTH Why?

  14. bawa shittu Avatar
    bawa shittu

    I will like to join your comparative movement

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